2017 by the numbers
Lists of things
States Visited - Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, Florida, Idaho
Visited UK for the first time!
Visited Ontario and Quebec for the first time!
(states still needed: Alaska, Washington, South Dakota)
(countries needed - everything minus the US, the UK and Canada…)
Miles Driven - ~ 20k
Miles flown - ~ 30k
Gave 4 invited seminars
Papers published - 5
Top moments of 2017
Starting my new postdoc/moving to Mississippi
Started crocheting again
Learned how to knit
Continued to learn to say ‘No’
Meeting so many amazing twitter friends as I traveled
Submitting my entire dissertation for publication <12 months after graduating!
Low Points
Struggling with major imposter syndrome, depression and burn out
Lots of manuscript rejections (SO MANY)
Lots of grant rejections (SO MANY)
Failing to see a Black Rail (AGAIN)
Saying goodbye to my Arkansas community