Women in Waterfowl

Women in Waterfowl

There was a special season about Women in Waterfowl at the North American Duck Symposium 8, in August 2019.

We have created this website to make a centralized place to access the resources mentioned in our talks, and to make the powerpoints available as well.

This website is a work in progress.


About the Symposium

Lisa Webb - webbli@missouri.edu
Kaylan Kemink - kkemink@ducks.org
Beth Ross - bross5@g.clemson.edu

About the website/broken links/etc

Auriel Fournier - auriel@illinois.edu

Live Tweets

Presentation: Why we need more women in STEM leadership roles: innovations to overcome obstacles and identify solutions By Lisa Webb, Kaylan Kemink and Beth Ross

implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/selectatest.html - Implict Bias Test
eigenfactor.org/gender - Explore the gender of authors by authorship position in your field
raiseproject.org - Explore the gender representation of award recepients in various STEM organizations benschmidt.org/profGender - In-depth visualization of how gender affects word choice in student evaluations
tomforth.co.ok/genderbias - Calculate the gender bias of your choice of letters of recommendation
diversity.nih.gov - Resources and research from the NIH Scientiffic Workforce Diversity Office
stemwomen.net - Resources on gender inequality and potential solutions
diversityinacademia.strikingly.com - Resources on racial inequality and potential solutions
nationalseedproject.org - Peer led professional development organization that provides training on engaging in conversations about diversity and equity
blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2016/03/08/gender-bias-in-academe-an-annotated-bibliography - Annotated bibliography of studies on gender bias in academia
fairplaygame.org - Online role playing, true to life simulation of the complex social world of the minority graduate student in academia

Presentation: Beginning a career in waterfowl ecology: challenges and strategies - By Casey Setash, Lindsay Carlson, Kaylan Kemink, Dana Varner

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Artz, B, AH Goodall, AJ Oswald. 2018. Do Women Ask? Industrial Relations 57:611-636.

Ayyala, MS, K Skarupski, JM Bodurtha, M Gonzalez-Fernandez, LE Ishii, B Fivush, RB Levine. 2019. Mentorship is not enough: Exploring Sponsorship and its role in career advancement in academic medicine. Acad Med 94:94-100.

Banchefsky, S, J Westfall, B Park, CM Judd. 2016. But you don’t look like a scientist!: Women scientists with feminine appearance are deemed less likely to be scientists. Sex Roles 75:95-109. Bendels, MHK, R Muller, D Brueggmann, DA Groneberg. 2018. Gender disparities in high-quality research revealed by Nature Index journals. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0189136.

Bowser, G, NS Roberts, DR Simmons, MK Perales. 2012. The Color of Climate: Ecology, environment, climate change and women of color-exploring environmental leadership from the perspective of women of color in science. In D. R. Gallaher (Ed.) Environmental Leadership in Practice: A Reference Handbook. Volume 1 (pp. 60–67). Sage Publications.

Clancy, KBH, RG Nelson, JN Rutherford, K Hinde. 2014. Survey of academic field experiences (SAFE): Trainees report harassment and assault. PLoS ONE 9(7): e102172.

Hoogendoorn, S, H Oosterbeek, M van Praag. 2011. The Impact of Gender Diversity on the Performance of Business Teams: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, No. 11-074/3, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Jones, MS, J Solomon. 2019. Challenges and supports for women conservation leaders. Conservation Science and Practice e36.

Kim, JYJ, D Nguyen, CJ Block. 2018. The 360-degree experience of workplace microaggressions: Who commits them? How do individuals respond? What are the consequences?: Influence and implications. In Capodilupo, Nadal, Rivera, Sue, & Torino (Eds.). Microaggression theory: Influence and implication. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

King, MM, CT Bergstrom, SJ Correll, J Jacquet, JD West. 2017. Men set their own cites high: Gender and self-citation across fields and over time. Socius 3:1-22.

Moss-Racusin, CA, JF Dovidio, VL Brescoll, MJ Graham, J Handelsman. 2012. Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students. PNAS 109:16474-16479.

Salerno, PE, M Paez-Vacas, JM Guayasamin, JL Stynoski. 2019. Male principal investigators (almost) don’t publish with women in ecology and zoology. PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218598.

Schmader, T, J Whitehead, VH Wysocki. 2007. A linguistic comparison of letters of recommendation for male and female chemistry and biochemistry job applicants. Sex Roles 57:509-514.

Teller, AS, AM Porcelli. 2016. Feminist ecology: Doing, undoing, and redoing gender in science. Int J Gend Sci Technol 8:382-404.

Trix, F, C Psenka. 2003. Exploring the color of glass: Letters of recommendation for female and male medical faculty. Discourse and Society 14:191-220.

Popular Articles:
NYT Why Women Aren’t CEOs
NYT What to Do When You’re the Only Woman in the Room
Opinion piece explaining gender pay gap
Women are important to Ducks Unlimited

NSF Stats on Women in STEM
Ducks Unlimited Conservation Experts and Contacts (0% women)
Delta Waterfowl Executive Staff
Delta Waterfowl Board of Directors
Lean In Women in the Workplace study

Bias Tools:
Gendered wording in job advertisements
Gendered wording in letters of recommendation
Implicit bias tests
Formal gender trainings

Presentation: Underemployment: A self-imposed oppurtunity gap. By Lindsay G. Carlson, Sally Yannuzzi and Cheyenne Beach

Davidson, P. and R. Black. 2001. Women in natural resource management: finding a more balanced perspective. Society and Natural Resources 14(8):645-656.

Davis, R. D., Sr., S. Diswood, A. Dominguez, R. W. Engel-Wilson, K. Jefferson, A. K. Miles, E. F. Moore, R. Reidinger, S. Ruther, R. Valdez, K. Wilson, and M. A. Zablan. 2002. Increasing diversity in our profession. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30(2):628-633.

Estes, Z. and S. Felker. 2012. Confidence mediates the sex difference in mental rotation performance. Arch Sex Behav 41:557-570.

Goldin, C. and C. Rouse. 2000. Orchestrating impartiality: the impact of “blind” auditions on female musicians. The American Economic Review 90(4):715-741.

Holman, L., D. Stuart-Fox, and C. E. Hauser. 2018. The gender gap in science: how long until women are equally represented? PLoS Biol 16(4):e2004956.

Michelmore, K. and S. Sassler. 2016. Explaining the gender wage gap in STEM: does field sex composition matter? The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 2(4):194-215.

Moss-Racusin, C. A., J. F. Dovidio, V. L. Brescoll, M. J. Graham, and J. Handelsman. 2012. Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students. PNAS 109(41).

Nicholson, K. L., P. R. Krausman, and J. A. Merkle. 2008. Hypatia and the Leopold standard: women in the wildlife profession 1937-2006. Wildl. Biol. Pract. 4(2):57-72.

Taska, B., S. Braganza, R. Neumann, D. Restuccia, M. Sigelman, M. Weise, B. Bean, A. Hanson, C. Graves, J. Kramer, J. Goodman, J. Johnson, and C. D’Amico. 2018. The permanent detour: underemployment’s long-term effects on the careers of college grads. Burning Glass Technologies and Strada Institute for the Future of Work.

Quadlin, N. 2018. The mark of a woman’s record: gender and academic performance in hiring. American Sociological Review 83(2):331-360.

Waite, S. 2017. Postgraduate wage premiums and the gender wage gap in Canada. Canadian Journal of Higher Education 47(2):156-187.

Podcasts and Articles

Invisibilia Episode “Fearless” January 16, 2015

Battle Tactics For Your Sexist Workplace

TED Talks Playlist: Fighting Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome Blog

Presentation: Mentoring in the waterfowl profession: Challenges and oppurtunities. By Susan Ellis-Felege and Kayla Kemink

Amelink 2008
Storrs et al 2008
Athena Rising, How and Why Men Should Mentor Women
Challenges and supports for women conservation leaders

Presentation: Effective Networking for Hunters and Non-hunters, By Beth E. Ross, Caroline Brady, Susan Ellis-Felege and Anne Mini

Shipilov et al. 2007
Forret & Dougherty 2004
Greguletz et al. 2019

Other Resources

hollaback! Bystander intervention training
How to be an Ally