Biometry TA Spring 2016

I’m already into my second week as the Teaching Assistant for the Undergrad/Graduate Biometry course here at UA. I am really excited to be teaching again this semester (I always forget how much I enjoy it) and doubly so since I get to teach people about R. I’m working on moving all the course materials over from systat to R, since this is the first time its being taught in R. If you are curious what we cover check out the repo.

Biometry is a course taught every other spring by Dr. Dan Magoulick and is very heavy into experimental design and data analysis of experimental data. Its a great course, and a great starting place for many of our graduate students. I would love to be part of teaching something that focuses on higher level modeling in the future, but for now this is fantastic. Most students took an Intro to R course in the fall, and have a working knowledge of R, so I am hopeful the semseter will be a positive and helpful one for them. So far so good! We start on graphing and data manipulation on Thursday.

Yah R! Yah Teaching!

Also yah for not taking classes, so I can also have time to write!

Written on January 25, 2016